The Neverhood Wiki

The entire island (after being put back together)


A part of an island.

The Neverhood is a floating isle of neighbourhoods created primary out of klay. It is the main setting for The Neverhood.


Built by Hoborg, he created the Neverhood in which he could live forever in it, thinking this would make him happy, but it didn't. Feeling lonely, he created a friend to enjoy the world with, resulting in the creation of the first neverhoodian, Klogg. The Neverhood is made out of Klay, the clay of finest quality which Hoborg gathered in a faraway mountain with help of Big Robot Bil and Willie Trombone.

Originally, Hoborg thought it to be much bigger (and called The Overhood), however, when carrying the Klay back to Hoborg's home planet, the trio was attacked by a Tickberger who ate most of it and little was left for Hoborg to build his world.

Creatures and Native Races[]


First person scenes[]

There are some scenes which you can explore, and choose where to go. These scenes are in first person.


  • The Red Roofed House was not created by Hoborg. It's a section of the dilapidated Ottoborg's world, which Willie lived on before meeting Hoborg. Hoborg incorporated it into the Neverhood.